Sunday, May 6, 2018


LET US ACT ACCORDINGLY Power and possessions are often acquired and secured by the wills of some mankind for dominion and domination of others' properties and persons, and in certain cases, like ancient Africa, their legacies in science, philosophy, arts, crafts. In the instance of Africa, ancient and modern, there came, for over two thousand years, recombinant waves of foreign sailors, soldiers, officers, merchants, traders, scholars, diplomats, officials, teachers, scientists, lawyers, administrators, physicians, ministers, adventurers, explorers, settlers, from diverse Western European and Western Asian nations, principalities, for its spoil. I write as one who knows the truth. For I am part of that vast spoil of the foreign invaders, conquerors of Africa, who has descended from those who chose to survive. I am the seed of those, who were the seed of others, who were the seed of untold, unknowable, forbears, who were captured, subdued, transported across oceans, sold, enslaved, brutalized, traumatized, discriminated against, raped, dehumanized, by African dupes, and proxies to Western Europeans, or Americans, who brought them here, who, in time brought me too! I am here for a reason that I do not know. I may never know but sense. Towards that end of my own self-realization, self-actualization, I feel my way forward to learn the what's, why's, wherefore's of this eons-old climactic change that was brought upon the Earth to which I am privy, and you too! No inhabitant upon the Earth is exempt from affects of, is excluded from the depredations upon Africa's people and continent. Whether one views the process as divine intervention, divine contrition or merely naturally occurring facts, we live amidst the phenomenon of its visitation and become bound by our conceptions to act accordingly. Amen 🙏