Monday, May 7, 2018


ACTUAL AND OCCULT AMERICAN HISTORY IS AFRICAN AMERICAN American republican democracy has been a 'white power' bludgeon used by three levels of government in an attempt to crush the initiative spirits of its black people by abuse. The same practices have been and are being carried out in its 50 state government levels as they are on the national level. But what is it? What is this "American republican democracy?" Well, democracy is government by the people, for the people, of the people, in theory. The people vote, elect persons to represent them and their interests in assembly; at least, this is true in public theory. But, what is unseen, unspoken , unwritten, rules it all. An occult cabal of money-interests are the true peers of the realm, the real powers behind the throne who rule. Yet, for public relations' purposes, American government takes as its model the "democracy" of Athens, a Greek city/state that held slaves. "Republican" takes its model from Rome, an Italian city/state that also held slaves. Both are forms ancient Mediterranean government served as models for our American's own republican democracy, which was also slaveholding, demonstrating that African bondage's centrality as the nation's most defining feature . The definition of "people" was also controversial; like one man-one-vote ; as was the definition of "man" . Black men were excluded from each definition by implication, and then by Supreme Court judicial decision in "Dred Scott v. Sanford" in 1857. The impetus for the establishment of American republican democracy in the first place was the English monarchy, which was slaveholding as well. Thus, in the "Declaration of Independence" that was, after special editing, approved by the First Continental Congress, language condemning slavery in the original draft was struck out. Slavery, therefore, was not a basis for separation from the Mother Country . The first draft was obviously written by a person who was not a slaveholder and was not totally familiar with the American slavery ethic. But the fact that the original phrase condemning slavery even existed in the "Declaration of Independence " in first place, signaled the occult existence of certain, palpable dynamic tensions that were representative of some intellectual schismatic subtexts in the pretext of American republican democracy. Attempts to suppress these occult subtexts proved to be unsuccessful as "Shay's Rebellion" in western Massachusetts indicated, as these yeoman farmers, the true people, indeed, wanted farm lands, rights, recently won by them in the War of Independence that were bestowed on a few, not on them, the people! Far more successful than "Shay's Rebellion" were the most central of subtexts' protests made manifest in abolitionism, rhetorical and actual, via the "Underground Railroad," an occult network of safe/houses and conductors which sparked the most repressive laws and produced an American Civil War, which put an end to American chattel slavery! But, that ever-occult cabal of unseen, unheard, unwritten, white ruling class of bankers, business interests, newspaper publishers, politicians, and others, stymied "Reconstruction" by withdrawing federal troops from the South, and by cutting off resources and money to blacks from the Freedmen's Bureau, in 1876, in order to settle (scuttle) an infamous Presidential election, between Democrats and Republicans. One side had won the popular vote, and the other side had won the Electoral College. The settling parties abandoned newly freed African Americans to the fury of masked white terrorists in an unrestrained South to Democrats. Republicans got the White House. African Americans are easily the most verifiably, defining, core of actual, and occult American history, then and now, in every era or period of its existence.