Wednesday, January 24, 2018


RACISM'S COERCIVE POWERS Racism is a form of coercive power. Historically, racism was designed to commute the prior, profitable, exploitative system that was first used to gain native mineral wealth, which cost native lives and culture. For, after all the gold and silver of the indigenous American peoples were plundered, and they too were slaughtered, there was no one to be coerced to work exploitatively. So, as a "humane gesture," given the Indians' deaths, a future Dominican Catholic bishop named Bartholomew Las Casas, a former Indian exploiter and enslaver, who became later known, ironically, as "Indian Guardian," proposed that Africans be substituted for Indians, in order to carry on as a cheap form of chattel labor, to exploit the New World's latent resources for the King and Queen of Spain; who approved the bishop's proposal for imperial importation of Africans in 1515 to their American colonies. Plunder, wars, destruction, disease had indeed decimated, eliminated, the Indians of Hispaniola (Haiti/Dominican Republic) where Italian Christopher Columbia first landed in 1492, Cuba, Florida, Mexico, to such an extent that a new, much hardier labor force, the Africans, were needed to continue the by now-Western European exploitation of the islands' and the mainland's agricultural products; as well as to mine for what few metals remained after the Indians' were drained to the point of extinction post-1600s. Many myths, lies, fables of all genres, plus alleged "scientific" studies, and popular and religious traditions all collaborated about the inherent inferiority of the Africans and Indians and the inverse "white" supremacy of Europeans. Such was falsely propagated by persons employed especially to rationalize Western European enslavement of Africans, and Indians, in the New World, baptized or not, Christian or not ; literate or not; free or not! As an expedient consequence, a feral, viral, system of legal racism devolved into, was developed into the principal process for depriving all non-white persons living within the Spanish, French, British, Dutch, Portuguese colonies in the "New World" of any individual freedoms of liberty, expression, personal choice with respect to their human associations: marriages, devises and legatees, grantees, vendees, in order to advance the profitability of the exclusive royal charters, issued to favored cabals, traders, whose profits embellished a Royal Power. This legally coercive power was strictly enforced and implemented by all ruling policing power. Racism and colorism were justified by the colonial judicial power. Racism was ever commercially perpetuated by prevailing economic powers, who were beneficiaries of its coercive deprivations under the law that was enforced by the police power. This police power includes taxation and military subsidiaries, that enforced regnant cultural hegemony based on a charade of political whiteness. "Charade" is used because the whites were proportionally coerced to the same extent as the blacks to abide by racism's regime of judicial, political, legal decrees, rulings, and laws. If "whites" did not obey, they too would be victimized, fined, ostracized, criminalized, amerced. Most whites preferred to "look away, look away, look away, Dixie land," so long as their white perquisites were forthcoming; but, when these disproportionate benefits were threatened by equal opportunity laws that they feared, that threatened them in their minds, they electorally recoiled against the "liberal" equality laws by voting for, electing demagogues like Donald Trump. In promising to make America great again, he truly meant "white privileged " again to the exclusion of Africans, Indians, Mexicans, Muslims, all others. Of course, racism itself is illegal! But, laws are for losers. Winners take what they want, when they want, from where, or whomever!