Saturday, January 20, 2018


IDEATIONS IN HUMILITY Viewing some colorful watercolor art, as smooth jazz pulsates in my ear, in the comfortable confines of home, my mind turns to "ideation," the presentation of ideas in various genres, media, formats by humans. But, almost as suddenly, I saw a bird, who sings, builds a nest, and artfully attracts a mate to share it. Then, I thought of ponderous, built ant hills, beehives, termite mounds, birds' nests, and elephants, which draw beautifully. It then stuck me, again, that ideas, ideations, are not unique to humans, but essentially are insinuated into all forms of life. That further insight inspired this monograph on "ideations." For we earthly human beings are merely another idea formed by God, along with uncounted others, who sense, serve, celebrate, a life bestowed by the divine minds, clothed in flesh. Amen 🙏