Monday, January 8, 2018


FOREVER YOU You are always you. This is true, no matter how old you are or may become; nor how wealthy you are or may become; and regardless of any other external facts. At your spiritual core, you are forever you. Stated differently, the axis of life that is within you perpends to you , as you, deposits itself in clay, in matter, that manifests in, as, you. Names like personality, persona, aura , and others, are attached to the phenomenon that is the inner you. Plants, insects, fish, animals seem to evince a similar singularity of spirit that distinguishes them from all other cline members as do we. Close studies reveal differences. If it is true that all are individually unique inner beings, what does it mean, more broadly, or practically, if anything, having to do with the price of tea in China? Perhaps this spiritual inner association with the Almighty might mean that death is an illusion; that life is an effrontery. In short. We are innately eternal; we are innately, eternally with God.