One would never have suspected from reading their 19th century histories, that today's froward, and retarded Republicans, were once yesterday's Radical Republicans: nor that today's liberal Democrats were once fire-breathing enslavers secessionists and segregationists.
Black folks have been both political parties' partisans or shuttlecocks. Being Republicans during and after "Reconstruction" or Reconciliation , when white folks agreed to become "white," again, not Union nor Rebel, we blacks experienced terrorism by and from disappointed Democrats.
And slowly after Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and more prominently, after John Fitzgerald Kennedy, we blacks shifted from Republican to Democrat. Beginning with Richard M. Nixon, we experienced political backlash from whites from their false perception of our disproportionate--if merely remedial gains-- under Lyndon Baines Johnson in our Civil Rights Movement eras. This false perception and the secret balloting bombardment continued against us throughout Ronald Reagan, both George Bushes, William Clinton (mass incarceration and welfare as we know it); and now Donald John Trump. Back and forth we fly like a Shuttlecock in political badminton.
Although we experienced a needed respite with Barack Obama, "Make America Great (or 'white') Again" came hurdling, curdling right back !