Thursday, May 11, 2017


REVIVE US AGAIN OH LORD! Revival of old time substances (ROOTS) was the name of a prominent Howard University, undergraduate, student organization in the early 1970s. ROOTS was primarily composed of students who were chemistry, biology, zoology, pharmacy, math, majors from the West Indies, the southern United States, and Africa. I skulked, curiously, around the broad outskirts of this organization, observing, although my interest was writing, and my undergraduate majors were first, African American Studies, and later, Print Journalism. I woke up this morning wondering if any modern iterations, of any aspect of this fascinating, old, ROOTS group still exists, and if not, why not? We yet need a revival ! Revival, living naturally again, is a very good thing. It is akin to the restoring of a soul. "He restores my soul." Psalm 23:3. Psalm 85:6 asks: "Will you not revive us again, that our people may rejoice in you?" Psalm 19:7 says: "The law of the Lord is perfect , reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple." Perfection is possible for people in synchrony with the law of God, who obey God's testimonies in nature. The law and testimony are one and the same for all that is or ever was. Divine law and testimony revive a soul, a people, a planet that is now perilously close to perishing due to nuclear, biological perturbations in our souls, planet, people, who need revival, who need the Lord; who do not know that Almighty God that is, who is, nearer to them than is "their jugular veins," to quote the Qur'an. Surah 50:16 "Create in me a clean heart oh Lord and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 [I read a quote from ROUGHING IT (1984) by Mark Twain, which was: "Trial by jury is the palladium of our liberties. I do not know what a palladium is, having never seen a palladium , but it is a good thing, no doubt at any rate ." P.791. I looked up palladium. It lead to many places. I settled on Athena, the Greek goddess, who is a source of the meaning of palladium. She led me further back in time to Neith, who, Plato says, Athena was based upon . Neith is predynastic, is androgynous, is said to be the oldest of the Egyptian gods and goddesses, mother of Ra, creation, and the one who chose Horus to rule over Seth. Archetypally Neith is rich, resonant, cosmic. She is the palladium it seems of all.] THE FIRST EGYPTION GODDESS, NEITH, IS THE PALLADIUM OF CIVILIZATION.