Monday, August 29, 2016


NO SOONER! We flighty humans arrogate unto ourselves the option of discretion, as though we were "free" to chose between good and evil; indeed, between life and death. With all due respect, I would humbly suggest that these normal human suppositions rank up there with the earth being flat, or the earth being the center of not just the solar system, but of the universe as well. When it is satisfactorily proven that we chose to be born in this space and time; and thereby, that we are somehow seminally different from the quadrillions of stars In the heavens, untold reservoirs of water in the oceans, or the infinitum of blades of grass upon the ground; or even dirt, itself, our very earth itself, none of which produced themselves by choice, then our vaunted notions of "discretion" of "choice" or "free will," may have attained legitimacy , but no sooner! Stated directly, from my rather intense study and observation it seems ever so obvious to me, that our very human sensory, cognitive, even conceptional, apparatuses, and their capabilities, are divine concessions from Almighty God, as it is with our Reason is as well!