Monday, August 15, 2016


MY OWN REPARATIONS SOLUTION The ability to pay is not the same as the willingness to pay, not even close. Take reparations for example. The country has long had the ability to pay the massive sums due to the descendants of African slaves, who have given all, and received so little. Its refusal to pay is not predicated upon its ability. It has long had the means to pay a commensurate sum. It has lacked the political will to pay, which political will is a byproduct of centuries of denial, sophistry, racism. The current rifts in the Donald Trump campaign , following the failures of John McCain and Mitt Romney to beat Barack Obama in 2008 & 2012, reflect a dissolution of the delusion of white hegemony and supremacy over America's most loyal constituency: we often betrayed and long-suffering black Americans, citizens by default ! My solution to reparations is this: Pay me the same sum, tax-free, as I now receive in Social Security, monthly, with the same protections into the same account. I am easy. Of course , cost of living adjustments would also accrue to make it true! I cannot speak for others. But, that sum would surely work well for me!