Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I remember meeting a most unusual brother back in 1986 in the 900 block of Walnut Street, in Kansas City, Missouri. This brother has gray dreads, was wearing African garb and was selling his beautiful artworks. He was passing through KC, he said, from San Francisco to the East Coast and needed to be paid. The brother 's depictions of Malcolm and Marvin were magnificent. So were others of Garvey and DuBois. He had me. I bought his entire collection for $200. My bank was next to where he was leaning. So the check could be cashed right away. But, what was his name? His name was "Dr. Zukenstein!" Dr. Funkenstein was George Clinton . Dr. Dunkenstein was Darryl Griffin of Louisville. But, who Dr. Zukenstein really was, I never knew. And may never know! Naturally, he had no ID. So, I went into the bank and with this creative itinerant artist to identify & verify him as my payee, given his eccentricities!