Sunday, May 8, 2016


CIVIL WAR TRUTHS Viewing today a 2010 C-SPAN symposium on the Civil War that was moderated by General Wesley Clark, and whose panel included some leading Civil War authors, including my favorite, Noah Andre Trudeau, the author of LIKE MEN OF WAR: BLACK TROOPS IN THE CIVIL WAR, 1862-1865, I noted that: 1. The program 's focus wholly upon "great generals" failed to account for the single greatest difference in the War, indeed , its cause: black chattel slavery; 2. Their natural right to maintain the enslavement of and the suppression of the blacks was the foundation of the Southern society, economy, philosophy, mythology, military, laws, religion, education, ambition; this was not mentioned and the program failed by reason of this quintessential omission; 3. Given the foregoing omission, the millions of escaping of blacks to Union lines and the enlistment of blacks as Union soldiers, sailors, spies, scouts, cooks, laborers, teamsters, nurses, all enriched the North, while deracinating the South's abilities to fight, or to survive , without their black phalanx of vital, enslaved, creative labor! "You shall KNOW the TRUTH and the truth shall MAKE YOU FREE," requires foreknowledge of truth. The C-SPAN program above that I also posted on Facebook, though edifying, is not the truth. Rather, it is but a marginal examination of the actual truth. The truth which was, that of the North's indispensable gain that was realized by its having liberated the blacks, militarily, when coupled with the rebellious South's concomitant and commensurate losses from its failure to do likewise with its millions of enslaved blacks!