Wednesday, February 10, 2016


UNCERTAIN ESSENCES One's conception of oneself is a consequence of experience, when compared to others of like kind. That personal conception is ever dynamic and always evolving as new information comes into your mind for processing about yourself relative to others in space & time. At your school you may be the fastest runner, but not so beyond. This latter fact is experiential either in personam or by reading records. Imprinting is very powerful . A baby eagle may think it's a chicken, too, until one day it looks up above the barnyard, and sees an eagle flying. Then a deep-set stirring within the soul of the eagle says, "Spread your wings, little eagle, fly away!" Like that little eagle in the barnyard are we, rarely ever knowing who or what we are, just trying to blend into the barnyard, where we were never meant to be, by design nor by destiny; being there by fortuity. But, inevitably, some day, you may look up and see something that causes a strangely familiar stirring within your soul; you may hear it in your heart or feel it in your bones; even smell or taste its succulent textures. That calling is divine. It is saying, "Come out, little eagle!" It is the God's Eternal Essence activating your uncertain essence, saying unto you, "There is water." Asking you "what prevents you now from being baptized?" Acts 8:36. "Wade in the water. Wade in the water, children ! Wade in the water. God's gonna trouble the water."