Sunday, February 28, 2016

a not-so- sudden impulse

NOT SO SUDDEN IMPULSE Suppose, just suppose, that instead of religions always framing man in the negative, as "fallen," man were framed in the positive? Would not that affirmative outlook; that polar change in prevailing, primordially human perspectives, itself, alter the human personality? Could it enhance the possibilities of man, change the behavior of man? Imprinting is a dangerous thing. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he? Being born in "sin," immured in sin, indelibly linked to sin is awful! What if , just image if, instead of being made in the image of the devil or Satan--whatever that is--man was instead made in the likeness and image of God ! Also, imagine, just image that instead of God rejecting mankind as wickedly evil, God lovingly accepts his own creation as good; indeed, not just good, "very good!"… The school to prison pipeline is popularly decried, by many blacks. Rightly so! It is wrong to prepare children for prison, the penitentiary. Is it not just as wrong to prepare children from the cradle for hell?