Saturday, February 6, 2016


Form and Substance and Breath Substance conforms to form, how or why exactly, being a divine mystery. Does form irrupt from energy's inert substance? Or: Is energy's inert substance teased into being by its cosmic form? Form appears first, soon followed by substance, being form's maturity. Form announces "I am"-- its identity. Substance completes form's destiny. Form is sketch: substance pigment. Form outlines . Substance colors in. Form is fraction . Substance is whole. Form is flesh; substance is spirit. Form is body. Substance is soul. One alone is impotent: substance lacking form; form lacking substance. It takes both: form and substance to subsist, but it takes the "breath" of life to exist. It invigorates the whole. These three make both me and thee: form, substance, and a breath of life.