Monday, February 1, 2016


Lacking any direct proof, I hypothesize the possibility that the anti-marijuana "Reefer Madness" federal government criminalization movement of the 1930's, and later, is causally related to the "Harlem Renaissance" of the 1920's. That was when black American blues, jazz musicians, writers, artists, actors and others galvanized huge swaths of the white populations of America and Europe with their amazing musical and artistic virtuosity and spirit . White supremacy is malevolently premised upon the denial of personhood to black people, anciently or presently, as its judicial decrees and customs have attested. Such lies were pierced, literally and figuratively, by the era's sexual and sensual marijuana-liberated passions and ideals. Back of all of this is the fact that marijuana, "bang," ganja, hemp, pot, or any number of other names, itself, indigenous to Africa. Having been cooked, or smoked, ritualistically there, or used medicinally, long before the pyramids or the sphinx were conceived, marijuana is a source black power and culture. Its introduction to whites threatened white supremacists' ruling paradigm. (One wonders if these mighty megaliths were conceived under the influence of THC, "cannabis sativa's"--marijuana's-- active ingredient? THC was found in the bones of ancient Nubian mummies, over 2,000 years B.C.. Ancient Nubians descended the Nile River to unify and found Kemet, (Egypt)). In modern days, "the war on drugs" and "mass incarceration" exposed in THE NEW JIM CROW by Michelle Alexander, Esq., of blacks boys and men, is also based culturally, legally, politically and criminally on the alleged "harm" of hemp, that they possess, sell, or distribute. In fact, it is simply undeniable, the true "harm" is that pernicious white" racism as historically expressed in the malevolent rubric of white supremacy. That is the "harm!" Again, I am simply musing on marijuana on this 1st day of black history month! I lack any proof, but my postulate, paradigmatically corroborates.