Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Questioning the value or necessity of historically black colleges/universities (HBCU) is as ludicrous as questioning the value or necessity of the black: church, sorority, fraternity, family, lodge, and inevitably of black people themselves. What idiocy! Yet, there are some among us, who purport to speak for us; to lead us, and to love us, who mouth such shibboleths, and who harbor such destructive ambitions for us. They would "disintegrate" us out of existence slowly by assimilation, emasculation. They are not new. I read about them and their rationale in CRUSADERS IN THE COURTS, the fascinating legal historical compendium written by Jack Greenburg, the successor to Thurgood Marshall, as Counsel-Director at the NAACP/LDF. "God bless the child who's got his own!" His own house, his own car, his own dog or cat; his own groceries, wife (husband) or children; his own money; his own anything! To have to even discuss something so basic is to insult human intelligence. But, in this age of diminished historical memory and cultural affinity, it is very much needed!