Wednesday, February 11, 2015


A guy called me from a penitentiary in Kansas about 7 years ago, saying that $19,000 cash had been confiscated from him by the KC police on a traffic stop; that they had never given it back even after he was not to be found carrying drugs. Could I get it back, he asked? He needed to pay back child support . I got his money back in the form of a check payable to me and him. I then drove 200 miles from KC to have him sign the joint check and to take my post-dated trust account check. He then told me that my check was "contraband" in jail, so he could not take it! Surprised at this, as I exited the security desk, I gave his check to the prison guard, who also said he couldn't take it, because it was "contraband." I said "Give it to the Warden," and left. I later got a letter of gratitude from that inmate, for helping him out, since he had gotten his money and paid back support. I wrote him back thanking him for my fee and the opportunity to be of service!