Tuesday, January 24, 2017


WHERE IS YOUR FAITH IN GOD? More capacity, more capabilities than we realize, humans possess. Yet, till such are tested by stress of necessity or whetted by prospects of opportunity, remain constrained. Adrenaline, a human enzyme, is notorious for supplying short bursts of energy and power to enable unbelievably difficult feats. Over longer, far more dangerous terms, even greater feats have also been executed by simple persons, possessing little more than faith. Faith is long term as adrenaline is short term in mankind, evidently. I draw this conclusion from reading of the heroic escapades of slaves later written in their narratives, or that were recorded by others who helped them along their way North. Faith is not only found in the Bible, but faith is also found in tales of our fellow men and women whose lives, our legacy, are faith dramas. As I write these few lines, Donald Trump has recently been elected and inaugurated the 45th President of the United States of America. The fact that he was elected with no electoral experience anywhere, at anytime, has discombobulated many people, especially the blacks. Black bewilderment is based as much upon the exit of Barack and Michelle Obama, as on President Donald Trump. Now, all of blacks' barely repressed racial fears have resurged to cause them to tremble. The way out of fear is to recall and to reflect that each and every one of you is a divine lineal descendant of former slaves, and of freedmen, who, did more with less under far worse conditions, to produce you! Pick up your bed and walk, black folks! Where is your faith in God? https://youtu.be/3wl4ogb0ZbQ?t=511