Sunday, January 15, 2017


"GUT INSTINCTS " Fortunately, fortuitously, in this life, our bodies act independently of our cognitive minds, of conscious awareness, being guided by "laws," that we do not know, cannot know. Life on earth being both body and mind to us. Thus, body and mind obey secret, intuitive instructions within each of our cells, in the trillions and quadrillions each micro-moment of our earthly lives, stretching all the way back into before life began, as we know it. Hence, only a few decisions do we have to make, are we permitted to make ever, fortunately, fortuitously. Therefore, when any "gut-instincts" deign to speak to us, at all, whether by instinct, intuition, otherwise, it behooves us to heed such parietal importuning from the Creator; not to do so may be hazardous to life. Thus thanks for reading this article.