Sunday, June 9, 2019


3/5s of THE UNITED STATES IS OUR AFRICAN AMERICAN SHARE Three fifths of the whole number of free persons, including those bound for a period of years, can never be more than the whole number, nor less. Our race quota was installed in the very first Article of the United States Constitution as "all other persons." The math is providential evidence of our value. 3/5's is more than half; is no less than half. If 3/5's was converted to goods, services, lands, positions, power , cash, privileges, we 60% African American descendants would be doing very well, socially, economically, politically, legally. But after the Civil War, those who wrote the Constitution ignored the literal language of Article I Sec.2. It was treated as though it were not. Later in the "quota debate" where certain black leaders--allegedly --sold out black peoples' 3/5's to feminists, whose civil rights spoils, recoveries, have been greater than African Americans', but who are not mentioned in the Constitution; and sold to Jews, who may have funded certain organizations, but who are not mentioned in the Constitution, either! Remarkably, we 3/5s beneficiaries seemed to have acquiesced in our own African American judicial, constitutional, divestment of our 3/5's quota by certain leaders', (post-1968 Martin Luther King, Jr., assassination) blasé blithe remedial capitulation to salacious solicitations and blandishments of others: feminists (who are superior to blacks as "whites"), and Jews (who disdain quotas ). But now all manners of other solicitors: LBGTQ, immigrants, Muslims are soliciting for what is ours by right: largesse, privileges, participation. Now we are less well off constitutionally, scribally, than we were previously, when 3/5s was our quota. Now there is none! Restore our 3/5's quota standards, a constitutional cup that accurately measured our value to the country in 1789 and since! Moreover, the fraction 3/5's is a great reparations measuring cup! Well we now have a number! 3/5s of the United States!