Saturday, September 15, 2018


A BABY'S CRY AT MIDNIGHT Few sounds are so piercing as a year-old baby 's cry at midnight. A tiny baby's cry, any time, is one divinely designed, acoustically and genetically, to motivate immediate movement toward its deft sound. But a cry at midnight, awakes and shakes, the very equilibrium of its listeners to the core. When our one year old grandson, Miles, let loose last night, my slumber was rattled. Grandma, A veteran of such things, seemed to be taking an excessive amount of time to stem the choral tide coming from the mouth of our Miles. So, I decided to assist her, as much for my benefit, for as theirs, by sending a her a quick, quiet text. It simply directly read: "Give Miles his bottle please!" It worked. Don't know if she read it, or did it, but in a short period of time thereafter, that absorbing sound of Miles' ceased! "Kind of blue" was grandson, Miles Coleman's, compelling midnight melody, evocative of the trumpeter of immortal fame. Whether muted by bottled milk or muted by musical accessory, vivid sound is a sound, from any source, especially babies', that signifies, signals, summons all. "At midnight the cry rang out, "The bridegroom has come! Come out to meet him!" Matt. 25:6, applies also. Silence is most conducive to sleep!