Thursday, January 26, 2017


HOT DAMN TRUMP! Wouldn't that be something ironic! If President Donald Trump had to hire,to train, to pay legal prevailing wages to many thousands of illegal immigrants to build the very wall he would otherwise use to keep their kind out, due to the national labor shortage of skilled construction workers, craftsmen, the very work many of them now due so cheaply! I must confess to being shocked, however, by President Donald Trump's proposed 20% tariff on all imported Mexican goods as a means to get them to pay for his wall! When I recalled that all I bought was beer and taco shells, I said "Okay! We'll survive." But, when researching it I found Mexico to be our second largest trading partner, with hundreds of billions of dollars at stake, I thought: "If they did the same thing to us? Woe Nelly!" Now watching the fall-out, three words come to mind: HOT DAMN TRUMP!