Sunday, January 22, 2017


NOT FINITE. BUT INFINITE. Finite. Illusions of finiteness disillusion many; making them believe that there is only so much of anything; to believe that everything is limited. So, people grip, grab, grope, cheat, lie, steal, exploit, enslave, conquer, hustle, kill to acquire their share of "finite" resources, riches, fame. We deem those "rich" who acquire much, whether resources, riches, fame, even deigning them to be praiseworthy for their acquisitions. Finite spiritual conceptions cause confusion about all sundry things. Ideas determine concepts. Finite is illusion, a delusional idea. Here is a proof that it is not the finite anything, but is the infinite everything, that is real, that exists. Of infinity all subsist, all consist. The infinity of space being the most perceptible example of this. The infinity of time, numbers, energy, matter are other examples. The infinity of the spirit of God is the prime example, being forever . Since space, time, numbers , energy, matter, and the spirit of infinite God, comprise everything. All that has ever existed is infinite. Life is therefore infinite. As are we. Physicists say that matter is never destroyed, merely changes forms. Preachers say that God predates beginnings, being God forever, as in from everlasting to everlasting. That is proof: physics and religion; all flow in the vast idea of eternity. Not finite. But infinite.