Wednesday, October 26, 2016


TABLE OF BROTHERHOOD Salt was used to preserve meat, fruits, and vegetables long before refrigerators, as was drying in the sun, or smoking in closed doors. Curing it was called and it included canning, and dehydration methods. Similarly, it may be said that certain aspects of renown civilizations of ancient Africa have been "cured," by conquests from abroad by the: Assyrian , Persian, Greek, Roman, Arabian, Turk, French, or British, over the past 2,000 years, and carried away. African civilizations date back 10's of thousands of years, as reflected in architectural structures, glyphs, script, artifacts, tools, art, genetics. It is very well that its seeds, meats, fruits, or vegetables were so sown, that its sapid civilizations were kept abroad, as to inseminate the rest of humanity, to nourish it and feed it. Doubtless, the dinner time is nigh! At which point, all may dine as one!