Tuesday, October 18, 2016


LIFE IN PLURIPOTENT PARI PASSU Life is not linear, but pluripotent on this earthly plane, inhabiting even very out of the way folds, crevices, niches, below the microscopic level in every climate, extreme or biome. Life's variety, life's vast versatility, amazing amenability in adapting to changed conditions, to be able to thrive: to sustain, to defend bodily integrity or to reproduce itself, may suggest an intelligence 'pari passu' latent within itself that logic cannot account for as other than as divine. No less of divine origin are we men, we Homo sapiens, whose history is in 'pari passu' with that of all other life, in any form a life may assume. Black's Law Dictionary (8th ed., 2004) defines pari passu as "proportionally; at an equal pace; without preference".