Saturday, August 8, 2015


YOUR HISTORICAL AZIMUTH "Small world !" Is the typical idiomatic exclamation whenever we serendipitously happen upon a theretofore unknown kinsman or amazing mutual acquaintance. Just as we all have encountered such persons, many celebrated historical figures have done so, as well. My greatest pleasure in reading history is in deducing these historical connections. Their nexuses strengthen and lend viscosity to the periods or incidents in question, just like your chance "small word" meetings memorialize the moment, enriching it for you both. Try it! I call it the principle of historical azimuth; meaning that history should not only be read just vertically --for chronological empires, persons, dates and events--but also horizontally for kinship, friendship, or enmity. Both enrich and complete the view. Horizontal and vertical with your azimuth, your perspective or viewpoint, as prism, completes, your understanding and seals in the sweet savor of awareness .