Friday, April 10, 2015

PRISON BUS FOR BLACK TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS…/america_is_criminalizing_black_teac…/ Black teachers and administrators were first thrown under the bus by rabid NAACP/LDF school integrationists, post-1954's "Brown" victory, which surprised them and found them without a remedy. So, without asking the black community its desires, what it wanted, they insisted on the closing of black schools, which they claimed were inferior due to differences in budgets and physical plants. So, busing and "disintegration" came, and with it, black teachers and administrators were thrown out of work; community traditions, roots, families, and values dissolved with the black schools', administrators', and teachers' demise. Going to jail puts them, symbolically, back on the bus, the prison bus, to join their erstwhile and ersatz students, victims of mis-education, self-hatred, cultural alienation.