Wednesday, April 1, 2015


COORDINATES Coordinates determine positioning. The astronomical coordinates derived from stars and planets, relative to Earth, and to each other, enable astronomers, navigators, land surveyors, physicists, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), even farmers, and shepherds to do what they do for me and for you. These coordinates are derived from stellar and celestial bodies. Nothing but heavenly bodies afford enough reliability to determine the parameters of our Earthly boundaries and to particularize directions on our spherical planet. Our planet, Moon, solar system, Milky Way Galaxy are always moving and rotating, shifting their coordinates in the grand scheme of things, yet retaining their relativity to all other things mathematically, dynamically, cosmologically. Amen. Yet, we neither feel nor sense this continuous motion, but presume that we are quite still, while all else moves around us! For this blessed sense of quietness and stillness, we are doubly indebted to God. Fortunately, ancient Ethiopian astronomers, where the knowledge of God and of the gods began, were able to deduce time, itself, and to codify it in a 365-day calendar over 6200 years ago. They were also able concomitantly to share their calendar and knowledge with other people on Earth by means of travel and spiritual proselytization. This process was done by reason of their having recorded carefully and systematically coordinates and then navigating directionally by them. Coordinates tell us all: where we are; where we are going, in relation to others in the grand scheme of things on Earth and in the Heavens, and tell us, ultimately, who and whose we are in this sojourn in time, space, light, dust, energy, order, beauty, harmony. There was no separation between the sacred and the secular anciently. What was true above was true below by reason of the same coordinates. We would do well to know to apply our present coordinates physically and spiritually in the present day. The throes of our uncoordinated relations to each other may be due to this loss of synchronicity with heaven and Earth: man and God; male and female: good and bad; false and true.