Sunday, April 5, 2015


MADE BY MAN IS OF MAN Must preachers and churches be poor to be legitimate, to be credible? Judging from three stories in the news, and the reactions to them, it appears that a significant number of people are of the view that unless a preacher or a church is poverty-stricken, they are betraying a trust. I make reference to Rev. Crefflo Dollar's online request for $65 million dollars to buy a new jet for his ministry. I also refer to the California preacher who had $100,000 cash, guns, and jewelry stolen from his home while he was in his pulpit preaching . The last case involves Rev. Joel Osteen's loss of over $600,000 from his church to thieves. No successful ministry can afford to be poor , if it is to spread its ministry successfully. People gauge success by material prosperity, like the membership size and location of the church; assessment are based on such size by Bishops and leaders, of every denomination Catholic, Protestant or other . Even charitable outreach requires money for wages , supplies, insurance and overhead ! Religion is a business as well as a government, both of which require money always and copiously. Being a cross between the two, church is no different even though its product is the word of God as written in a book by scholars, poets and savants years ago: and even though the soul of man, his behavior, not his body or money, is the avowed object of its hired clergy. Bear these thoughts in mind when the next theft, scandal, or outrage occurs. Made by man it is of man!