Sunday, November 9, 2014


WE TOO ARE CHRIST, WE TOO ARE RESURRECTED AND REDEEMED Our people are unprecedented in human history. Given our documented historical travails, in whose unfolding deliverance we jointly and severally play a prominent part presently, one can only gawk, gasp, and wonder: "What manner of man is this?" When others have faded away, we have multiplied. When others have refused to sing "the Lord's song in a strange land," we have boldly created new songs, and new musical forms, singing, playing, and laving them all worldwide to the continuing wonder of all peoples with their soulfulness. Though all peoples have been enslaved at some point by others, only in Haiti, have the slaves overthrown their enslavors, and instituted their own governance. The Haitian example taught and inspired African Americans, who fought back violently, nonviolently, litigiously, politically, educationally, culturally, and too-briefly, economically, to overcome their oppression We are the true survivalists. South Africa's Boers and Voortrekkers were inspired by American oppression and its pervading "whiteness" superiority paradigm; so also was Cecil Rhodes, King Leopold, Adolph Hitler, Mussolini. We have survived them. Now, as we enter, ever more deeply, the swaddling orbit and glow of prophetic and cosmic redemption and restoration, as a people, God's people, be ever mindful of the example and allegory of Jesus Christ, who though spotless and blameless, was yet crucified on a Roman cross; then resurrected from a rich man's borrowed grave, for scourging his own Jewish money-changers' blasphemous conduct in the temple. We too are Christ. We too are resurrected after crucifixion. We too are redeemed!