Thursday, November 20, 2014


"If man and speech began with the black race, language will be sure to show it, without man having first, or directly dubbed himself the black. In Bambarra, 'Akafi' is the Negro. And the word for beginning is 'Kafulo.' Black is synonymous with first, 'Kak', whence 'Ka' and 'Kaf', later 'ap' 'af', and 'au'. Further in the Natal Zulu, the name for sorcery, charms, or enchantment is 'Kafula'. So, in the Xosa Kaffir, Isi 'Kafulo' denotes a charm or sorcery, black magic....the Inner African 'kaf ' for the black remains, from this I derived the name of the Kaffirs and of the Au-ruti (Af-ruti or Kaf-ruti) who went down into the valley of the Nile.--"Book of Beginnings" , vol. 1, p.28, 29." P.284, note 1, THE NATURAL GENESIS by Gerald Massey (Black Classic Press, Baltimore, MD: 1883,1998)