Monday, November 10, 2014


"Fact-phobia" is a fear of facts that dissuades so many from looking up or googling the facts. This term is newly coined! It is not in the dictionary; it may never be in it! "Factphobiacs" prefer to speak or to write from the hip-to-lip, gamboling upon their presumed humor or penchant for public notice, acclaim at the expense accuracy. That practice--being "fact-phobic"-- ennobles no one and nothing. That status risks a great deal: one's reputation, credibility, veracity, friendship, security, and wealth. All knowledge in existence is at one's fingertips, on the internet. Getting it is just an easy inquiry away. "You shall know the truth, and it will make you free" Facts! Here's one fact to get you started: GARBAGE IN. GARBAGE OUT. Facts in. Facts out. Nothing in. Nothing out. Intakes determines out-takes, Facts are fuel ! Facts are most powerful; the predicate for everything that is, and its infrastructure. Many who know the facts meanly manipulate them; fact-phobics are manipulated! Be a FACTOR and not a FACTOID. Learn the facts! Do not be "fact-phobic!"