Wednesday, October 22, 2014

many mansions

MANY MANSIONS "Jesus said, let not your heart be troubled, if you believe in God, believe also in me. In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:1-2 Statistics apply to everyone; and yet they apply to no one. Each natural thing is unique, a special mansion of God. Stated otherwise, God has no ghettos, no "at risk;" no oligarchy; poverty; no creed; no seed; no need. These words of Christ Jesus have buoyed my family and my ancestors for centuries. These words buoy me. Appreciating that you are wonderfully and marvelously made for such a time as this, gives you the blessed assurance that you are who you are, made by special dispensation, and that you are where you are by grace; not accidentally, not randomly; but purposely and specially by God! "I looked at my hands. My hands looked new. I looked at my feet. They did too." Slave singers with love, and with knowledge, of themselves as specially made by God, as mansions not made by hands, sang this song of celebration, when "human" scales fell from their eyes. Such a divine, loving, overpowering conception of oneself transforms dry bones into great armies. It changes things! Without, one is lost and alone. You too are a mansion not made with hands. Recognize it, revel and rejoice!