Monday, October 13, 2014


A BIPARTISAN POGROM FOR "POOR BLACKS" The war on drugs began in 1983 under Ronald Reagan and has continued under every President, Democrat and Republican, since then, until the present day in 2014. That totals 31 years, and costing tens of billions of dollars, at least. It has had disastrous consequences on "poor blacks," as many studies have demonstrated. "Reconstruction," after the Civil War, began in 1866 under President Andrew Johnson, and ended in 1877 under President Rutherford B. Hayes, both Republicans. That totals 11 years, requiring only a few millions of dollars. Reconstruction was generally favorable to freedmen, who were poor, as well as for poor whites, who benefited particularly by getting land and other benefits and emoluments. The "War on Poverty" began under President Lyndon Baines Johnson, a Democrat, in 1965, and ended under Richard M. Nixon in 1972. That totals 7 years, and tens of millions of dollars. The War on Poverty was generally favorable to poor blacks and whites. So, the disastrous "War on Drugs" has lasted longer than both "Reconstruction" and the "War on Poverty," combined, almost by a multiple of 2! And its costs have exceeded the others by 100-1 easily. The net effect of this bipartisan pogrom has been to trap the "poor blacks" into a caste status, without economic or political escape options, only death or jail! By "poor blacks" is meant lacking in economic vitality, lacking in spiritual ambience, and downtrodden mentally to expect nothing and to seek less. Pogrom is used to express an intent to decimate that sector by policy.