Monday, August 5, 2019

WHITE SUPREMACY…/unite-the-right-dc-free-speech-first-… White supremacists are not the bottom-dwelling dregs of white society that media and privileged whites often portray them to be. Many are federal judges, prosecutors, politicians, business owners, police, students, males, females, professors, actors, actresses, school teachers, Democrats, Republicans. White supremacy is a pernicious philosophical, pedagogical and theological disease,dating back centuries, ironically, to the "Enlightenment Era." It is based upon myths, lies, immorality, theft, violence; and power. Its doctrines of "democracy" and "equality" are shibboleths--buzz words--for hypocrisy, cupidity. It contains the seeds of its own destruction--"like a fire-bell in the night"-- as Thomas Jefferson, whose NOTES ON THE STATE OF VIRGINIA, "QUERY XIV.," one of its covert pillars, once said of its ersatz (fake) foundation in scientific truths.