Monday, August 26, 2019


SENSE-ACT-THOUGHT-LOVE "Love covers a multitude of sins." 1 Peter 4:8. On another level the senses cover a multitude of thoughts; thoughts, correlating a multitude of senses. There is an interactivity between actions and senses, with thought being the hyper-governor quietly working in the background alone. "Having sense enough to come in out of the rain" is a colloquialism summing up the essence of the phenomena: sense-act-thought. Sense of feel rejects rain on bare skin as uncomfortable, as even dangerous. The sense of feel says to us instantaneously, unqualifiedly "Seek shelter immediately, unless you catch cold, pneumonia, or get sick." Sense of "Feel" operates in the foreground, regulating. We may obey or not. Sense is temporized by other facts always. A soldier on the battlefield, for example, has to take the discomfort of rain at the risk of his life or desertion charges. More broadly, each day a new array of challenges, decisions, confront us. Senses resolve most of them silently, automatically for us like breathing, drinking, eating , sleeping, restroom, dressing, communicating, working, moving. But other challenges, decisions, require information; when thought must be fed, itself with facts, data, for us. Then, thought moves from background to foreground ; taking over from, but working, operating always in conjunction with, senses. We are daily all duly blessed with divine thought, whose dimensions are unknowable, capacities infinite. These blessings are divine love for the life in our divine matter matrix. The senses are thought's crew of workers , assembled to eliminate the need to calculate just to act or react to facts presented in a welter of ever changing conditions in life. In back of thought is God whose radiant love enables existence, enables life, thought, senses, us.