Friday, March 10, 2017


FACTS GLEANED FROM TRUMP-CUMMINGS’ TETE-A-TETE Friday, March 10, 2017 By Larry Delano Coleman, Esq. I was buoyed, heartened, gratified by the fact of Congressman Elijah Cummings’ (Dem., Md.) recent, March, meeting with United States President, Donald Trump. To paraphrase former heavyweight boxing champion, Evander Holyfield, “When a man meet a man, you know what time it is. You’ve got to bring some to get some.” That describes my sense of their meeting and its prospects for all Americans: black, white, or in between. Both are unabashedly men, Cummings and Trump. Cummings I know personally from our activist undergraduate days at Howard University, 1969-1973. Trump I know only from news reports (“fake” and otherwise) and television. Elijah Cummings is a black man; a moral-Christian man, from Baltimore, Maryland. This I know personally of him, from 4-years’ student politics, social competitiveness, and our gregarious social club, “Black Love Productions,” which was an evanescent assemblage of some awesome people, then “up on the yard,” way back in the day. When asked about his affect upon Trump’s policies after the meeting, Congressman Cummings said, “We shall see.” Now, that is the brother that I know well! Prudence.