Saturday, March 11, 2017


BABIES AND FRACTIONS We begin counting at one. Yet. Well before one, there are many more values, quantities that are ignored, called fractions. Pieces of wholes. Our granddaughter is one, almost two; yet, still but one. She can say a few words; has mouth full of teeth; is potty-trained; obeys some commands (if so inclined ), but she is nevertheless only one, just one. That started me to thinking about the universe of numbers: fractions, integers, mixed-numbers, whole numbers we employ in daily use. Would it be not better to begin with fractions, like 1/2, 1/4, than to skip over these and to begin with one? Babies are fractions, quite often fractious, and are fed in fractions , portions, speak in fractions , obey in fractions, progress in fractions. Perhaps, they may more easily understand fractions, being one such, themselves, now, not later? I have read in THE LAWS by Plato that ancient Egyptian babies were trained, as babies, in fractions as a part of their play. They had fun as they learned! He went on to assail grown Greek men, whose maths' knowledge contrasted negatively to that of these Egyptian toddlers. Just a thought....