Wednesday, July 27, 2016


IDEAS ARE COSMIC ENERGY Ideas are bursts of flowing cosmic energy that engage, that produce the mind, body, spirit of mankind, of all! Where they come from is as unknown as is where ideas, like wind, may go. "The wind blows where it lists, one hears it, but no one knows where it comes from or where it goes. Such are those born of the Spirit of God." John 3: 8. Ideas can be and have been, by man, captured. Ideas can be, or have been literally plucked from the ether, from infinity, from eternity; then, they have been brought to earth. Here, these bursts of energy have been "reified", that is to say, they have been made "real," been concretized; have been proven, materialized. Arguably all that we human beings are, all that we eat, speak, write, produce, build, float, do, destroy, kill, alter, conceive, wear, live in, drive, fly, work on, is an idea made manifest on earth by flowing energy. Progress, reduced from the realm of abstraction to the plane of existence, is ideas expressed in mankind's tools, techniques, technology, processes . Since Ideas are energy, like mankind itself, ideas are easily assimilated by other men, who have not previously been exposed to energy's expression in a particular form. But, men adapt. Doubtless there are cellphones in use in the Kalahari Desert, or televisions in use in the Arctic. Boomerangs do exist, certainly, in Berlin. Egyptian Obelisks dot America and in Europe. Ideas are cosmic energy concretized.