Extemporaneous musings, occasionally poetic, about life in its richly varied dimensions, especially as relates to history, theology, law, literature, science, by one who is an attorney, ordained minister, historian, writer, and African American.
Every modern army that has ever been defeated has also been 'packing.' If the pen is mightier than the sword, the keyboard is more powerful than the pistol. The point is this: Just "packing"--carrying or having a weapon-- is not dispositive, necessarily, of anything. Emmett Till's uncle in Money, Mississippi, had rifles and shotguns in the house, when the boy was surrendered, and later lynched in 1955. Use what you've got to get what you want. David did not rely on Saul's armor, which he had not yet proven. He used what he had already used to kill the bear and the lion. Do you likewise.