Sunday, May 19, 2013

black hole destiny

If what one knows or does not know is immaterial, then what one believes or does not believe is equally immaterial. 

We are all here together, one species, ensconced within fold upon fold of infinite knowledge, amid infinite abstractions, groping for truth, knowledge, faith, and understanding of ourselves, and of our unique circumstances, with in this muted and ephemeral morass of time matter space energy.

Scientists hypothecate that one day, like us, even our star, the Sun, shall exhausts its thermonuclear fuel and explode, vaporizing our solar system, and regions well beyond, into the nether regions of space, seeding and re-seeding our universe, as it once seeded and re-seeded our world. 

Glowing supernovas, and yawning black holes from billions of light years, away augur our own destiny.

Theologians predict a similar end to us all in their Holy Books, using symbols, tropes, and metaphors to convey their discrete meaning. They use prophesies, revelations and portents to validate and to illustrate.

How silly, then, that anyone should deride another's knowledge or lack thereof, or beliefs, or lack thereof, when we are none other than infinitesimal super nano-dots of the deep, equally immured in overweening ignorance!!

Would not it be better to contribute to the alleviation of such ignorance by the study of time, space, matter, energy, in all of their wondrous and elusively evolving variants, than to carp, to criticize, to incredulously quibble, about one another's productive exertions, without contributing one's own energy, intelligence, or discernment to the collective effort to know and to love?