Monday, October 29, 2012

Self-education is your lifelong personal obligation

"They didn't teach us that in school," is an excuse many adults are making for not knowing something or for not being able to do something.

The truth is: school only can give you the tools to educate yourself! You are responsible for your own education and elevation; not your school, church or family! YOU!

All progressive persons supplement any school's offerings or suffer the consequences! The ...

universe is expanding! So, necessarily, is the knowledge base, exponentially. So, for you to do nothing is to fall way behind, to the point of obsolescence, irrelevance, extinction!

Some part of each 24-hour day must be devoted to your self-improvement, however small. You decide! But, do it! Thereby you help yourself, enabling you to help others and yourself!

Education is too important to be relegated to the school--any school--or to any church! There is too much to know, way to much to know. Learn about and pursue what interests you!

That's real education!