Saturday, September 17, 2016


WHITE MAN IN MY BARBER SHOP Wednesday at the barber shop, I saw a most unusual sight. A white man with a head full of white hair came in and quietly sat down. Soon, the barber who had just cut my hair, asked him if he wanted a cut. He said that he did and sat down in that barber's chair. To say I was shocked is to understate! In all of the 60+ years that I have been going to barber shops, this was the very first time that I can recall a white man inside of one, much less inside of one, for a cut. I had read that in the 18th and 19th centuries that free black men maintained such upscale sartorial salons for an exclusively white patronage, and did well. I also have seen on television that Eric Hosmer's barber is a black man, who gives the All-Star first basemen his signature haircuts. But, all of that is (or was) removed far from me, it seemed, at least so I had thought! Just never know what one might see in America these days; maybe even a black President ! What might be next?