Saturday, September 10, 2016


HI! MAY I HELP YOU? It is not my place, nor is it another person's place, to tell anyone else what they "need to know." Such a decision is personal, peculiar to the individual, who must become true to itself, in accordance with its life. "Becoming" is a process of self discovery. Self-discovery renews itself daily, hourly. It brings along with it such grasping and grappling hooks as may secure to it sectors and vectors of value. From among vast domains of infinite knowledge, wisdom, understanding, love, that are bequeathed to each person, each one must select, in seriatim, in sequence or out, whatever drives its will to discover, what appeals to its palate; what it finds desirable. Having disclaimed my own duty to another to teach them or tell them what they must know, as an elder, I am very happy to assist another. This I do daily by extracting and publishing microbits of information from diverse fields, cultures and ages, that may catalyze someone's quest to become the person they were meant to be. Such was done for me in a long chain of contiguity.