Friday, September 30, 2016


A PRIORI Equilibrium . Status quo ante. Root. Homeostasis . Baseline. Balance . All of the above states suggest a prior state before action, motion. That prior state is or was stillness, oneness, quietness, nothingness . We humans are not fitted, sensorily blessed; neither equipped bodily to perceive either: beyond or before these seemingly innocuous states. Though we do sense, we do feel the presence of much much more; that undefinable "much much more" must dwell on a very distant shore, in the eternally incipient realms of theretofore heretofore forevermore. As there is more light than we can see, more sound than we can hear, more texture than we can feel, more scent than we can smell, more flavor than we can taste, our imagination: theoretical or applied, is our link to this domain or source.