Sunday, September 25, 2016


KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF: WHEAT AND TARES Sunday, September 25, 2016 By Rev. Dr. Larry Delano Coleman Which is most firmly held, which is most deeply rooted, in humans: Knowledge or Belief? Put another way, which is most difficult to amend or to annul in humans: Knowledge or Belief? Knowledge is that which is perceived: seen, heard, felt, smelt, tasted. Belief is that which is conceived: sensed, intuited, apprehended, imagined, confessed. Both knowledge and belief are personally experienced and personally embodied by and in humans. Perhaps, knowledge and belief are like, wheat and tares of the Bible, so connected that no human can appreciate which, knowledge or belief, is most deeply rooted, which of these two is most firmly held. All must abide the harvest of souls of man before the answer to this riddle may be known; unless, of course, you can discern the distinction and the answer to this inquiry, now. If so, please do share it!