Monday, September 5, 2016


STARS STEER US ON We navigate oceans by stars. We plat land lines by stars. We plot calendars by stars. Farmers plant by stars. Fishermen fish by stars. Hunters hunt by stars. Stars direct us, and inform us. Our sun is a star. The star of stars! Earth consists of star light. Earthians consist of star light. Life on Earth subsists by sunlight. Fifty stars in the American flag . Star/crescent is Islam's symbol. Christ's birth was foretold by a star. Fugitive Slaves fled north by stars. Stars steadily silently eerily steer. "What's your sign?" Is star-based. Our geometers were star based. Mathematics is star based. Religion is star-based. Science is star/based. Stars are universal constants being Used by all somehow in some way. How dare we not study the stars? How dare I gawk utterly ignorant?