Saturday, January 16, 2016


Dr. M. L. King and Quantum Theory While reading a passage in WHY WE CAN'T WAIT (1963), p.172, by Martin Luther King, Jr., that "whole generations have been left behind as the majority of the population advanced," and that "the lost generations have never learned basic social skills on the functional level--the skills of reading, writing , arithmetic; of applying for jobs; of exercising the rights of citizenship , including the right to vote," I had an epiphany ! Linear. King's analysis here is linear, I deduced . Is learning, progress , behavior necessarily linear? I asked. If not, there is hope for so-called lost generations. So, I looked it up, online. My hunch was right. Learning is not exclusively linear; nor is human behavior or change. The above linked article was presented, in 2006, to a conference of medical professionals decades after this book by Dr. King was published, and long before the Internet was invented as we know it . It posits that no matter how far "behind" one may be--"behind," itself being narrowly "linear"--one can easily catch up. This is because of common quantum principles and linear cognates are immanent in us all, chaotically and randomly!