Monday, January 25, 2016


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT "Big boss man! Can't you hear me when I call?" This line from the great Jimmy Reed's "Blues" song, "Big Boss Man," aptly sums up a basic human duty and need, acknowledgment. Another good one is "You had me at 'hello.'" From the Cuba Gooding movie, "Jerry McGuire." Call and response need each other, whether verbal or not. The element of acknowledgement is so basic, is so fundamental, that it is in the Bible "In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct thy paths."… This duty of acknowledgement may be more than human, is more than human. Animals, plants, fish, even microbes all exhibit it, & demand it. "Speak when you're spoken to," is an enduring parental admonition. Babies cry for acknowledgment , notice, attention, adoration , love. Their plaintively persistent cries penetrate concrete, steel, hearts. As that baby cries, so too do adults cry when UNACKNOWLEDGED. However, adults' or their groups' cries" may be lethal, violent, vengeful, petulant, didactic, or in any number of forms; because not being acknowledged is not being respected, and not being respected, requires remonstrance!