Friday, January 22, 2016


DIVINELY COGNATE ARE WE Wicked people, those who know that they are wicked wrongdoers, rationalize their wickedness and wrongdoing, in order to be able to feel good about their deeds and to justify themselves and their wicked actions, past and present to others. Certain wicked people, however, are so thoroughly reprobate about their wicked wrongdoing, are so morbidly callous about shrouding it, that they are actually damnably demonic, living gargoyles at large! The first class of persons seem to have perforated, semipermeable souls, synaptic souls, that are still crossing over, chiasmic & plastic. The second class, the nadir, are soulless shrouds in human flesh, who have come to lie, kill, deceive. The first class might be reasoned with, somewhat, but not the other. Those who do not fully apprehend the divine presence of "God" in themselves innately, continuously, inversely are these. Their seeming differences are matters of degrees. "God" being, as used here, eternal energy that antedates alpha and that postdates omega; that is, was, and that ever shall be; & in whose "larder" is order, whence flows all. Mankind is simply a divine cognate. Opposites: apogee and perigee; male and female; North Pole and South Pole ; day and night; matter and antimatter ; life and death ; space and time; joy and pain, sunshine and rain; ad infinitum! Divinely cognate is apprehension. It is one's amenability to cognition, to good ambition, intuition, rendition, remission, submission. It is one's own personal perception of the presence of the divine immanence.